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If you are being investigated for or have been arrested for a criminal offence, it is important to know when you need the help of a defence lawyer. Many people try to represent themselves in court, only to find out later that they made a mistake. If you have been charged with a crime, don’t take any chances – contact a lawyer like Graham Zoppi, defence lawyer in Brampton right away! In this blog post, we will discuss 5 signs that indicate you need the help of a defence lawyer.

Sign 1: You Have Been Charged with a Serious Crime

If you have been charged with a serious crime, you will need the help of a defence lawyer. Some examples of serious crimes include: murder, manslaughter, sexual assault, robbery, and break and enter. If you are facing any of these charges, contact a defence lawyer immediately.

Sign 2: You Have Been Arrested

If you have been arrested, you will need the help of a defence lawyer. Even if you have not been charged with a crime, it is important to have a lawyer on your side to protect your rights. Arrests can be stressful and confusing, so it is important to have someone on your side who can guide you through the process.

Sign 3: You Have Been Questioned by the Police

If you have been questioned by the police, it is important to contact a defence lawyer right away. Even if you are not under arrest, you may be incriminating yourself without realizing it. A defence lawyer can advise you on what to say and what not to say to the police and can protect your rights during the interrogation process. It is worth remembering your right to remain silent – you do not have to answer any questions asked by the police without a lawyer present.

Sign 4: The Police Have a Search Warrant for Your Home

If the police have a search warrant for your home, it is important to contact a defence lawyer right away. The police may be looking for evidence that you are involved in a crime, and they may be able to use anything they find against you. A defence lawyer can protect your rights during the search and seizure process, and can ensure that the police do not overstep their bounds.

Sign 5: The Police Have a Search Warrant for Your Car

Similar to a search warrant for your home, a car search warrant grants the police the right to search your vehicle for evidence of a crime. If presented with this kind of warrant, getting in touch with a defence lawyer is crucial. A defence lawyer can protect your rights and make sure the police do not violate them during the search.

Final Thoughts

If you have been charged with a crime, or are under investigation for one, it is important to contact a defence lawyer immediately. A good defence lawyer can protect your rights and ensure that you receive a fair trial so make sure to call one before it’s too late!