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Divorce is hard for everyone in the family, especially for kids. One of the most important things to figure out during a divorce is who the kids will live with and when they will visit the other parent. It is called ‘child custody’ and ‘visitation.’ It can be tricky to navigate, but it can be made easier with the proper steps.

Child Custody and Visitation

Understanding Child Custody and Visitation

Child Custody is about who the child will live with after the divorce. There are two types of custody:

  • Physical custody: This is where the child will live most of the time.

  • Legal custody: This type of custody is about who makes important decisions for the child, like school or health care.

Visitation is when the child will spend time with the parent they don’t live with. The schedule can be flexible and should take into account the child’s needs and the parent’s plans.

Step-By-Step Guide to Properly Navigating Child Custody and Visitation

Here are some steps to navigate child custody and visitation during a divorce:

  1. Keep Calm and Think of Your Child: Remember that your child’s needs come first. It is a tough time for them, so try to stay calm and supportive.

  1. Talk to a Lawyer or a Counsellor: Family & divorce law experts Pickering can help you understand your rights and options. They can also help you prepare for any meetings or court hearings.

  1. Make a Plan: Work with the other parent to plan for custody and visitation. The plan should be fair and consider the child’s needs, like school and activities.

  1. Communicate Clearly: Always keep the other parent informed about any changes to the plan. Clear communication can help avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

  1. Be Flexible: Plans may need to change sometimes. Being flexible can make things easier for everyone.

  1. Ask for Help if Needed: If you and the other parent can’t agree on a plan, you can ask a mediator for help. A mediator is a neutral person who can help you reach an agreement.

Understanding the Emotional Impact of Divorce

Divorce can be an emotional roller coaster, and feeling upset or confused is okay. Here are a few tips to help you deal with these feelings:

  • It can help to talk to someone you trust about your feelings. It could be a friend, family member, or a counsellor.

  • Eat healthy, sleep well, and do things you enjoy. Taking care of yourself can help you handle your emotions better.

  • Let your child know it’s okay to feel upset or confused. Be there to listen to them and comfort them.

A Final Perspective on Child Custody and Visitation

Navigating child custody and visitation during a divorce can be a challenging journey. But remember, it’s all about finding the best way to care for your child. You can make this journey smoother with the proper steps and help your family move towards a new normal. And always remember, it’s okay to ask for help a lawyer and others. Some people can support you through this process. So, don’t hesitate to reach out. After all, you’re not alone on this journey.