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Before leaving the rental car lot, you should carefully check every rental car you receive. Different cars have different models, so you need to make sure you know your car’s functions. Make sure you check the lights, handbrake, and air conditioner. It is also important to know where you’re going and where you’ll be driving. Once you have all of this information, you can begin to make your trip.

Inspect every rental car you get

It is crucial to inspect every rental car you receive before you drive it off the lot. This way, you can spot any damage or defects in advance. You can even take photos of any damage to provide proof to the rental car company. Some rental companies offer pricey extras, such as toll passes or pre-paid gas. These extras are often subject to fees and taxes in the local area. It is best to return the car with full gas before returning it.

Getting an International Driver’s Permit

You may be wondering whether you need an International Driver’s Permit before renting your next car. Most countries accept your US driver’s license as long as you have a notarized translation, and you can also use your license in many European countries. If your license has expired, you should get a new one before renting your car. You can get an International Driver’s Permit for $20 from AAA and most car rental agencies have them. If you are concerned about getting a fake permit, you can get a certified copy from the US State Department.

Getting a receipt

Before you rent a car, it’s always a good idea to request a receipt from the car rental company. Most rental companies have an online tool for searching receipts, but if you’re not sure which one to use, here’s how to retrieve it. You’ll need to know the renter’s last name and driver’s license number. Enterprise’s online tool lets you access a receipt 48 hours after the rental ends, and you can get the original receipt up to 360 days afterward. You can also call or email Fox Rent a Car and ask for a copy of the invoice, but that will require you to fill out an online form with a generic inquiry and selecting “email an invoice copy.”

Filling up the gas tank

Before you rent a car, make sure to fill up the gas tank. It will cost you less to fill up the tank before returning it than to rent a car that needs to be filled up on the spot. Also, filling up the tank before returning the car will prevent you from paying a higher price per gallon at the rental company. A fill-up fee of around $10 per gallon will be imposed on you if you do not return the car with a full tank.

Adding additional drivers

When you rent a car, you’ll need to add additional drivers to your contract. These drivers must meet the same requirements as the main driver, and they’ll be required to pay an additional fee. You can add more than one driver to your contract, but it’s important to remember that if you don’t, your rental agreement may be nullified. Also, it’s important to note that additional drivers may be charged an additional percentage tax and surcharge.

Refueling charge

Fueling is not free, so before you rent a car, be sure to find out how much the refueling charge will be. Some rental car companies charge ridiculously high prices to fill up your tank, and they may not tell you about it until later in the rental period. Fortunately, most car rental companies offer varying tiers of refueling services. Hertz offers different levels of refueling.

Smoking prohibition

The most obvious way to avoid having to pay a cleaning fee when you rent a car is to not smoke in it. While this might seem like an unnecessary hassle, it can end up costing you hundreds of dollars! Additionally, you should check the car thoroughly before you leave it. If there is smoke in the car, you’ll want to make sure to let the rental agent know so they can provide you with another vehicle.